Google Fonts Warning

Have you received a Google Fonts warning? Have you also received a warning because Google Fonts are not integrated in your WordPress website in compliance with the GDPR? Then simply get in touch with me without obligation by using the contact form, or just give me a call. I will be happy to help you, check the "facts" and, if necessary, remedy the situation by ...

Von |December 22nd, 2022|Wordpress, Wordpress|Kommentare deaktiviert für Google Fonts Abmahnung

Facts and figures about Wordpress

Without WordPress, there would be no website builders like Wix and Squarespace today. However, there are plenty of reasons why WordPress is still king in the CMS game and will remain ahead in the long run. The infographic below shows how important it has become to use today, 17 years after its introduction.

Von |August 5th, 2019|General, Wordpress|Kommentare deaktiviert für Daten und Fakten über Wordpress
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